
Monday, September 8, 2014

It's Monday ...

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It’s been a few weeks for me, because I had a bit of a slow-down. I have no idea whether I’m back on track or not, but at least I won’t be repeating myself with what I’m reading.

I finished The Giver by Lois Lowry and If I Stay by Gayle Foreman in reasonably quick succession, and liked both of them a lot, although I liked The Giver more.

Then I troughed for a bit before picking up Moving Pictures by Mr Sir Terry Pratchett. I’ve been trying - off and on, and more off than on lately - to read all of the Discworld novels in publishing order. When I started, I hadn’t read any and wondered - upon reading The Colour of Magic - what on earth I had been doing with my life up till that point.

I finished Moving Pictures on Saturday and hopefully will get on to the next one in relatively short order.

I’m also re-reading The Sparrow for Trish’s readalong: I forgot how much I LOVE The Sparrow.

At work, my lunchtime reading at the moment is Sand by Hugh Howey. I acutally liked Wool a lot better, but Sand is still pretty readable.

What are you reading?


Ana S. said...

Mr Sir :D

I read them in subseries rather than strictly pub order, but I remember that "what HAVE I been doing with my life?" feeling well :P

Lois Tinúviel said...

I keep meaning to read The Giver but I haven't gotten up enough energy to see if my family has it or not or if I need to check it out from the library.

Unknown said...

I keep meaning to read The Giver, I really want to, ill have to bump it up on my list

Here is my Monday!

Maree said...

Ana: :DDDDDDDDDD They're so, so great

Lois: I only read it this year - it's a short book - about 220 pages, but it's a erally good erad.

Kym: Yay, I hope you enjoy :D