
Monday, October 6, 2008

Awwwwwww ... the love, the love!

Okay, this is exciting for me. I've been nominated for my first blogging award.

The awesome, talented and obviously very smart Rachel at has nominated me for an I Love Your Blog award. Seen here:

Here are the rules:
1): Add the logo of the award to your blog *tick*
2): Add a link to the person who awarded it to you *tick*
3): Nominate at least 7 other blogs *tick ... see below*
4): Add links to those blogs on your blog

Obviously _ not just for the award. I've started to read them every day. :)

Dewey at _ because as we all know, Dewey is made of Awesome

Joanne at _ we had fun doing the Weekly Geek together a few weeks ago and now I check in on her blog most days

Raych at _ because, like Dewey is made of awesome, Raych is made of funny.

Jill at who is, like me, a relatively recent blogger, but an excellent reviewer

Kerry at and Jennifer at _ flying the Kiwi blogging flags :)


5): Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!

Okay. I've been here far too long, so will take care of that later. :)

1 comment:

raych said...

Oh, I am giddy with the lovingness! Much hearts and skittle-bears to you and your precious blog!